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Who is a stay-at-home mum (SAHM)?

Stay-at-home mums (SAHMs) are women who have a child or children they care for and nurture at home.

I have been a stay-at-home mum, and I loved it. I enjoyed spending time with my children every day.

The flexibility and freedom to meet their needs and their school and leisure activities and not have the pressure of professional life on top of the pressures and stresses of raising kids are acceptable.

I am honoured and privileged to have this option.

From my experience and that of millions of SAHMs, many unwritten and unexplained constraints put them behind the poverty line.

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It also means their salaries will be lower than their age when they return to the job ladder because of the employment break. Otherwise, they would’ve been able to command, or influence had they stayed in the workforce.

Moreover, given that many women generally outlive men(assuming that most women marry men older than them, my apologies if this is not the same case with you), it is safe to say those SAHMs will be left behind.

Without a stable source of income, many SAHMs could be setting themselves up for a diminished retirement lifestyle after they have done their motherhood job.

Sadly, the principal objection to being SAHM is the financial constraints.

What can a SAHM do to earn a good income?

It is a simple question that is not simple to answer. From my experience, life is short, and as each day and month ends, you are losing productive years.

SAHMs that stay home have robust opportunities in this digital era and uniquely play a role in their children’s lives. I am not saying those in employment dont have such notable roles and opportunities.

My friends (who were working mums) in their jobs did outstanding work, and society should also reward them.

What can a SAHM assess before choosing what to do from home as a job or business?

  • Do you have the required technical skills any work-from-home job may need? e.g., digital skills and information technology know-how.
  • Do you have money and resources? The post-Covid-19 loan allocations without collateral in Africa or Western countries can be complex. In most cases, it is impossible to access loans as a SAHM.

Though on a few occasions, many companies have started allowing employees to work part-time from home. The idea might be a viable option for many SAHMs to avoid leaving the workforce entirely.

This idea will help many SAHMs to continue generating revenue to fund their bills and put money in their retirement pot.

However, the realities and fulfilment entitlements of many SAHMs are to be able to care for themselves and their home fronts and be responsible for their children’s care and growth.

Things SAHMs should never do.

For the love of all that is good and decent, dont get into any multi-level marketing, also known as MLM. They are time-wasting and rip-offs; the agent is the customer, and the company has already sold and banked its profit and dont care how the sales went on.

Once they get any new agent into it, the agent is on their own, and the profits are not what anyone can use to plan a budget. SAHMs need a stable income to get on with their bill payments.

I am against any SAHMs completely giving up the ability to make a living, and there are always regrets and poverty effects that follow such decisions.

At any stage of being SAHM, no SAHM should ever be in a position where they cannot be able to take care of themselves financially. Nowadays, stopping work for any reason without any income stream is fatal in today’s economy.

Therefore, I am encouraging all SAHMs to think thoroughly about it before they can decide to quit their job or businesses altogether.

That is why I want to share with you 5 ways SAHMs can earn money and even have income more than any full-time professional employee.

5 Ways SAHMs can earn money and start saying to invest.

The following are the 5 ways SAHMs can earn a good income:


As young SAHMs, we learn something significant to success. One is child care and nurturing – we start learning once the baby arrives.

Many young mothers go back to work after their maternity leave. You need first aid skillsets and a clinic registration because once the baby in your care starts experiencing high temperature – you must take them to the hospital. As a daycare specialist, you stand for the baby’s parents.

Many young mothers go back to work after their maternity leave. You need first aid skillsets and a clinic registration because once the baby in your care starts experiencing high temperature – you must take them to the hospital. As a daycare specialist, you stand for the baby’s parents.


Graduates and qualified teaching specialists SAHMs can do this as a job or business and earn a full-time income from the comfort of their homes.

Offline: You can dedicate a space in your house and have the students you can accommodate and teach them while charging their parents a fee.  

When I came to the United Kingdom, one of the jobs I did at the beginning of my stay was tutoring, an online tutor job.


Women should permanently save money and invest it in their retirement purses. One of the ways women save cash is by belonging to any collaborative buying group, and communal buying organiser is different from sourcing agents.

Our grannies did it and saved money.
The person will be a sourcing agent within a community with an outstanding knowledge of the market, products and seasonal price dynamics. She will be a sourcing agent within a group of women.

She organises buying things the community needs and arranges the sharing date and venue. She will be paid an agreed fee for her job.
Communal buying activities are not limited to only food items purchasing.


There is a niche in eCommerce called “Showcasing Model Specialist” under digital advertising. It is new, and nobody is doing it in Africa presently. I have been online for over 12 years and have not seen anyone doing it. Even Nigeria (the most populous nation in Africa), as a whole, nobody is doing it.

I call it self-made modelling – that is the approach they use. It is popular among women in Asia Pacific and India.
If you know any make-up manufacturer, you can approach them and discuss the commission rate. Use your social media platforms to model it and sell it from the comfort of your home.

Here are some manufacturing companies from China and Nigeria. You can approach them, model, and sell their products for a commission rate.
The list of some of the manufacturers you can liaise with to showcase or buy from is as follows:

  • Sungnan. co.cn 

This company is an ethical and Islamic wear specialist. 

Contact Tel. – +86-57985299238 and  +86-13777920172

Email: kerry@ywsungnan.com

  • Waimaotong .

This company is an affordable cosmetics and beauty product specialist. 

Contact Tel.- +86-20-86395525

  • Jueying Textile.

This company is an affordable fabric specialist. 

 Contact Tel. – +86-13962296030

WhatsApp – +86-13962296030

  • Guangzhou fabric market sourcing agents

David and Lilian are Chinese sourcing agents. If you want seamless transactions and have money to pay them, you can contact them on WhatsApp.

Smart body art

They are undoubtedly the earrings, body piercing tools, jewellery and fashion accessories manufacturer in Zhejiang state.  

Contact Tel.- +86-579-85915941 


The majority of women today are very conscious of their looks and appearances. Women now take quality care of their bodies, which has opened the following business opportunities:

  • Wellness Coaching
  • Beauty therapy 
  • Make-up specialist 
  • Nail technician
  • Hair and wig care vendor 
  • Spa and body scrub technician
  • Hair removal and skin care specialist
  • Laser specialist etc. 

Many SAHMs work hard to remain in good shape and appearance, and you can utilise those opportunities and abilities and offer them to others. Naturally endowed with beauty, SAHMs who are passionate about beautifying others can start a home beauty parlour as a business.

Having those qualities are their central selling point. Capitalise on your beauty and position yourself as a beauty parlour specialist. There are tons of resources online to start with from the comfort of your home.


Even though these home-based jobs or business ideas for SAHMs require low startup costs, they can also help you achieve financial peace and independence and make you a successful female entrepreneur.


Which of the ideas do you like most and why? 

If you like any of them, email me at admin@womibablog.com because I might have some resources.

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  1. Ugboko Esther

    I read through the piece and it’s quite educative but lopsided.

    I must point out that as a coach, it is wrong to OPENLY rule out certain businesses and embrace others.

    You forget that EVERYONE cannot be you or like what you like, or engage in what you do. We are all wired differently.

    Your job after extensive research is to state all the options available, their pros and cons and even to identify the real deal.

    So to rule out outrightly Network Marketing aka MLM, is absolutely wrong. This is a business centered on the power of LEVERAGE – once it’s understood.

    The truth is that most times we tend to use one bad egg to judge the rest and because we do not do our research very well, we become negatively judgemental

    In order words, the MLM industry is one of the most untapped money making industries in Nigeria, where one can do little or nothing and still make something.

    I am a living proof even though, I haven’t come here to drive that school of thought.

    The other options you rather gave are capital intensive, no matter how you look at it – importation, product marketing, daycare etc.

    Have you ever considered that some women are SAHMs by FORCE and not by CHOICE? Have you also thought that some men’s definition of SAH means that the woman should not engage in anything that brings in income; thus the husband will not be financially supportive of the wife?

    These are salient issues.

    How to help that woman become financially capable without leaving the comfort of her home and with or without much capital.

    I liked the day care & remote working idea but remember also that getting prior knowledge/certification may likely cost some money too.

    You have done well but I still think, it’s for a CERTAIN class of people. What about others?

    I rest my case.‍♀️‍♀️

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