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Security, wealth and freedom come from what we own and who we know; is never from the income we make.

The truth is, no matter what you are looking for, whether customers or clients, job or investors or life coach – it seems to be all about who you know – Your network!

But security, wealth and freedom are not a result of what we do or earn. What we do allows us to make salaries as income, but income can vanish overnight because we might get sacked or lose business capital.


Security, wealth and freedom come from what we own and who we know; it is never by salaries we make.

Immediately after I graduated from University, I read about business and entrepreneurship books non-stop. I learned how vital it is to network and build a healthy relationship for wealth creation.

Most introverts find this challenging, and many can’t spend 10 minutes around a prominent group of people because they don’t know how to start conversations and build a relationship.

  1. Bill Gates – is the founder of Microsoft. 
  2. Larry Page – is the co-founder of Google alongside Sergey Brin. 
  3. Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook founder. Mark is highly introverted.

Introverts might find networking highly problematic. However, they can take the approach of the trio mentioned above to learn how to design, build and launch themselves so that their work will create a network for them.

Networking also means using computer networks and social media platforms to meet people and exchange information or services among groups and institutions-specifically, cultivating productive collaborations and offering and accepting jobs and businesses for wealth creation.

Networking Strategies: 

Before you get started, ask yourself these questions: 

  1. What do I want to change about myself?
  2. Who do I want to become? 
  3. How can I help people?
  4. Am I generous enough to share ideas, resources and experiences with other people?

Let your work sell your credibility:   

There is a stark difference between creating values before seeking to capture or trying to catch a network without having value to add. You can read this post to help you live a better life.

People who focus on random networking – going to events hoping to find someone who accepts them the way they are, waste their time. People who don’t build assets and values that make them valuable don’t do well and rarely do well in networking.

The big players are smart and know when people have nothing to offer to their network. Be so valuable, and you will not be ignored and would want you in their network.

Be who you claim to be.
Do what you said you would do.
Don’t lie about your achievements.
Speak less of your accomplishments. Let those who research you find the rest by themselves.

Spend consistent quality time to socialise with valuable people: 

I don’t particularly appreciate saying this, but in reality, some people are worth the time you invest in them more than others. 

Your energy, time, efforts and resources are capital. Valuable people understand the following and use them as network metrics:

  • Mindset  Having the right attitude focused on providing value is critical to successfully networking. 
  • Exposure – Get out of your comfort zone. That is the only way you can meet new people and network successfully. 
  • Master the act of asking the right questions – The valuable people you meet must ask the same questions over time; What do you do? Don’t ask the same question. Stand out by changing to the question that answers your curiosity. Do you work in the telecommunication or health sector? 
  • Remember names – People love it when you remember their names. It shows you thought about them, and that makes them feel important. 
  • Follow-up – Network meetings and events are a waste of time if you don’t follow up on them. Indeed, you will struggle to form a working relationship with people you don’t know so well; think about your professional goals, reach out and establish a way of getting them to do the same. 

Stop wasting time on people who don’t add value to your growth: The main reasons successful and wealthy people network are exclusive, and they don’t want people infringing on their mental spaces and wasting time on people below their level. 

Even if you feel you are a massive goat in a forest, you really should be making friends with tigers and lions in the forest because they are kings of the forest.  

Stop wasting time on people who don’t add value to your growth: The main reasons successful and wealthy people network are exclusive, and they don’t want people infringing on their mental spaces and wasting time on people below their level. 

Even if you feel you are a massive goat in a forest, you really should be making friends with tigers and lions in the woods, and they are kings of the forest.  

Stop wasting time on people who don’t add value to your growth: The main reasons successful and wealthy people network are exclusive, and they don’t want people infringing on their mental spaces and wasting time on people below their level. 

Even if you feel you are a massive goat in a forest, you really should be making friends with tigers and lions in the forest, and they are kings of the woods.  

Learn high-income and high-leveraging skills that will allow you to earn money without continually investing time: If you don’t know how to be a magnet to wealthy people, it is through mutual knowledge exchange. You can read how to invest in your with little money.

Have something you do that earns you the money you can talk about that makes you feel happy. What are wealthy people doing differently? They have an unfair advantage; they have the right skills and know the right people to help them quickly grow in their careers or businesses. 

Learn high-income and high-leveraging skills that will allow you to earn money without continually investing time: If you don’t know how to be a magnet to wealthy people, it is through mutual knowledge exchange.

Have something you do that earns you the money you can talk about that makes you feel happy. What are wealthy people doing differently? They have an unfair advantage; they have the right skills and know the right people to help them quickly grow in their careers or businesses. 

And remember that nobody stays forever.

Not because they don’t want to stay; just like you, they are here to explore, learn, have fun, try new things and grow. Read about frugal living and how it will help you secure your financial peace.

I hope this help. Thank you for visiting my website.

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  1. Anonymous

    I’m inspired

  2. Onuegbu Joy Ogochukwu

    WOW!!! In impressed with the knowledge you disged out through your write-up, more lesson learnt and I’m gonna add them to my daily living because I want the best of myself .
    Thank you

  3. Anonymous

    WOW!!! In impressed with the knowledge you disged out through your write-up, more lesson learnt and I’m gonna add them to my daily living because I want the best of myself .
    Thank you

  4. Kimberly O

    Wow, this is great. It has all the resources for one to get started in life. Good job Onyi

  5. Joy

    Thanks. I already cut some people off and i am glad. Would put other points into action

    1. Rosemary C.

      A great write-up

      1. Thank you for dropping by, have a great day.

  6. Uchenna Sharon Izunwanne

    I really learnt a lot from reading this post

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