How to get the UK Healthcare Assistant visa (Best Step-by-step) 

How to get the UK healthcare assistant visa (Best Step-by-step)
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How to get the UK Healthcare Assistant visa (Best Step-by-step)

It’s possible to have an exceeding good life in the UK, but it is also a country of hard workers. In the UK, it is easy to find a lot of middle ground, never too high, never too low. 

How to get the UK healthcare assistant visa (Best Step-by-step)
How to get the UK healthcare assistant visa (Best Step-by-step)

United Kingdom need healthcare workers 

The UK is one of the countries where you can feel safe knowing there are safety nets all around to keep you going. 

Working as a health care assistant in the UK will require you to work long hours, take you away for training, have a significant level of responsibilities and might be liable for any bad decisions you make in a difficult situation.  

The following are the 15 best step-by-step ways to come to the UK as a healthcare Assistant worker. 

How to get the UK healthcare assistant visa (Best Step-by-step)

1. Get an international passport. 

Go to the Nigeria Immigration Service website and apply for an international passport. The good news is that the Nigeria Immigration Service said you can do everything online now. 

How to get the UK healthcare assistant visa (Best Step-by-step)

2. Get a NARIC evaluation of all your education certificates. 

NARIC stand for National Academic Recognition Information Centre 

 Naric is a government agency tasked with providing information and advice on academic and professional assessment when required.

Naric international contact is as follows:

If calling from outside the UK: 0871 330 7005


3. Book and take IELTS

IELTS stand for International English Language Testing System. 

Book IELTS from the British Council website.

Prepare and write your IELTS exam. 

Your overall band score should be seven and above. 

4. Apply for your police criminal checks (PCC)

Nigeria police force has an online portal where you can do the online form filling and lodge your application to get your PPC certificate, also called the Police clearance certificate. 

5. Start skills for care training online/offline.

Online care skills training is essential if you are not working in the healthcare industry. Care skill training must be suitable for beginners in the UK healthcare industry, and you need at least a short experience in hospitals or older people’s homes. You can look for hospitals around where you live that can take you as a volunteer and ask for a reference at the end of your volunteering work. 

6. Do your tuberculosis test.

A tuberculosis test is a health assessment migration requirement; it is always advisable to do it in an internationally recognised test centre. Many International Organization For Migration (IOM) – Abuja and Lagos exist. Here is the list of British government-accredited tuberculosis testing in Nigeria

7. Prepare standard United Kingdom care assistant Curriculum Vitae.

I presumed from the skills of care training you have understood your roles as a healthcare assistant. 

If you need more confidence in preparing a good CV, you can pay someone to write a curriculum vitae. 

8. Learn survival skills

Survival skills will help you settle down and focus on the essential things. Cooking, driving, hairstyling and cleaning are all survival skills. Get your international driving licence and prepare other food stuff you might need because they are expensive. 

9. Get professional references (Academic and work)

Getting a reference from your school and one from an expert is always good. It is always advisable to look at the template online and ask your former teacher, lecturer and manager at the latest place of work can give you one. You can get a sample here

10. Apply for a job

You now have everything you need to start applying for healthcare worker jobs. The United Kingdom government has a list of healthcare companies authorised to employ staff from the international community.  

11. Prepare and attend the interview. 

As you continue to apply for healthcare assistant jobs, you will have success and start preparing for the job. 

Read the notes from your skills for care training before the interview. If you have any questions, you ask me in the comment section. 

There are expected questions which you can check out here

How to get the UK healthcare assistant visa (Best Step-by-step)

12. Update yourself with the living wage in the location of your employer. 

You have gotten a job offer. 

It will help you make an informal and formal assessment of the potential salary you will be expecting. 

It is also good you check the quality of the schools, living standards and transport links as they might strain your salary. It will help you decide on the offer. 

13. Get your certificate of sponsorship. 

Suppose you have accepted an offer. The job offer will come with your certificate of sponsorship (CoS), job title and a starting band(If it is an NHS job), followed by the job’s occupation code and the expected annual salary. 

14. Apply for visa

The healthcare visa will allow you to enter the UK with any of your dependents and family members. The amount you will pay for a VISA application changes constantly.

Visa fees are constantly updated to reflect the changing economy. However, the visa fee is subsidised and no payment of IHS. 

More information on British healthcare visas is here

15. Good ways of progressing in life

Now you have How to get the UK healthcare assistant visa (Best Step-by-step), you can create a career plan and focus on the things that matter. Stay away from trouble.

Here are the good ways of progressing in life:

1. Taking a risk

2. Never depends on your bad experience

3. Always focus on the future

How to get the UK healthcare assistant visa (Best Step-by-step)

How to get the UK healthcare assistant visa (Best Step-by-step)

 Suppose you are looking for work as a healthcare assistant or worker. I hope to see all of you soon. Remember that many opportunities await you in the UK if you are good at your job. 

Health care worker, in every role, is not for the faint-hearted. You need to be current in knowledge, be fast on your feet, and build a good career network.

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